One of the strategic objectives of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia is the commitment to creating real conditions for conquering new markets that are of crucial importance for the growth of the export, which will ultimately lead to the growth of the national economy. The Macedonian economy, as a small and open economy can maintain a long-term growth for which it should continue to encourage the export orientation of the domestic companies. The need for promotion of the export possibilities of the Macedonian companies was one of the key conclusions of the scientific study “Macedonian exports” prepared by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies prepared upon the request of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia in which it was stated that there is a need for the share of the export in the GDP to increase from 50 to about 75 percent. In order for the growth to move forwards, it is necessary to make additional improvements in the trade sector with the objective to support the growth of the export. The export is a strategic response to the growth of every company, but also for the growth of the overall economy of one country. It provides greater foreign currency inflow in the country, the companies become more competitive and harmonized with the international standards and procedures, which, in return, results in greater profit and possibility of the companies to strive towards maximum utilization of their capacities.
So that Macedonia can develop trade relations with the countries in the world, it is necessary for the companies to have knowledge in the mode of work of the foreign markets. Non-tariff barriers, different regulations, discrepant legal system, insufficient knowledge about the criteria of the exporting markets, selling channels, logistics and delivery conditions, lack of marketing and selling skills are just part of the challenges the companies-members of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia face when exporting in the neighboring countries and in the countries from all over the world.
With the objective to overcome the existing problems the companies face, on December 5, 2017 in the premises of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia the Exporters’ Club was founded. It functions as a special form of organization and functioning within the Chamber, and its main priorities are directed towards helping its members in their foreign trade work, development of trade contacts and increase of their exporting possibilities. The sole purpose for the establishment of the Club is surpassing the problems that are an obstacle to increasing the export of the domestic companies.
The work of the Club is fully dedicated to developing and promoting the cooperation with the competent institutions in the country and abroad via preparation of proposals for solving the problems in certain companies and activities and preparation of opinions and stances on certain issues related to these problems, establishing contacts with the institutions and the organs of the executive and legislative power, nongovernmental and professional organizations regarding the problems related to foreign trade activities, deepening the mutual activities via the promotion of export-oriented companies from Macedonia, as well as educational events via which experiences and knowledge are exchanged with domestic and foreign experts and their implementation to increase the competitiveness of the Macedonian companies on the foreign markets.
To better promote the export-oriented companies, a Catalogue will be made for the members of the Exporters’ Club in which the companies will be able to present their capacities and export portfolios with detailed information with the aim of using it as a promotional material which will be available to all potential partners from the country and beyond, as well as to the foreign representative offices and the diplomatic and consular representation offices of Macedonia in other countries.
The Exporters’ Club performs activities via stimulating the cooperation, information exchange and contacts with foreign, chamber, business and other partners and formulating general stances regarding problems and issues of joint interest such as:
I. Institutional cooperation;
1. Organizing professional groups that will prepare proposals for solving the problems of specific companies or activities and that will give opinions and stances on certain issues related to the promotion of the business cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and certain countries/regions.
2. Establishing continuous communication with the relevant institutions in the country with the objective of creating a better business climate.
3. Submitting concrete proposals and projects for economic cooperation during visits to the highest state and chamber leadership, as well as establishing contacts with the institutions and organs of the executive and legislative power, nongovernmental and professional organizations regarding the problems of the foreign trade activities.
4. Providing experts for consultations and solving trade, customs, fiscal, credit and other issues related to the promotion of the exporting activities and the economic cooperation.
5. Cooperation of the Club and other forms of organization and work within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
II. International cooperation and promotion;
6. Promotion of the Club and its activities via the web page of the Chamber and the web page of the Exporters’ Club.
7. Preparation of a brochure for the promotion of the companies- members of the Club with their exporting portfolio- available as a promotional material and forwarded to all potential partners in the country and abroad, as well as to the foreign representation offices in Macedonia and the diplomatic and consular offices of Macedonia in other countries.
8. Promotion of the activities of the Club and the member-companies via a special edition of the electronic newsletter “Export News from Macedonia”- providing information about the activities the Club has undertaken and realized at a quarterly level.
9. Support and encouragement of the export and of exchange of goods and services via providing constant relations and exchange of information and joint performance on fairs, conferences and other events at an international level.
10. Organizing presentations, visits to the companies- members of the Club with the objective of the domestic companies to get to know each other, and the foreign companies- potential partners to be introduced to the members of the Club.
III. Education
11. Organizing seminars, working meetings, discussions about current problems related to economic and trade issues directed towards the promotion of the exporting capacities of the members of the Club.
12. Preparation of training programmes in different fields and about different technologies, as well as for acquiring proper skills, knowledge and professionalism in order to contribute to the improvement of the local productivity.
The membership in the Exporters’ Club is on a voluntary basis. All business entities can be members of the Club that are interested in being part of the Club due to the promotion of their foreign trade activities. A company becomes a member of the Club by signing a membership form with which it expresses the interest in becoming a member of the Club.